Erika Liodice is an author, blogger and freelancer. She has an interesting background and you can read more about her here. on inspiration and chasing your dreams. She came across my blog and was kind enough to invite me to do an interview about becoming a professional speaker, which you can read here.
Given that public speaking ranks among people’s top fears, Erika was intrigued by my interest in, and passion for, the subject. In the interview, I discuss my decision to become a professional speaker.
I don’t know if my comments will offer any ground-breaking insights into pursuing your dreams of public speaking (or anything else) but perhaps you will find one or two useful thoughts. Thanks to Erika Liodice for posting it. And please be sure to have a look around Erika’s site. It is full of interesting and inspiring articles.
Cheers and stay motivated, whatever your passion!
Thanks again for a great interview, John, and for inspiring us all to be better speakers!
Hello John,
Most of us are dream chasers. The best way to make them true ist to wake up and start working.
Yesterday I had the pleasure to assist at a press conference at EPFL where a partnership between a private company and the EPFL was signed. The only drawback was that the speakers never had heard about Toastmasters…and you.