The 2010 World Championship of Public Speaking, hosted by Toastmasters International in Palm Springs, California is history. Congratulations to all contestants, but in particular David Henderson (1st Place), Robert MacKenzie (2nd Place) and Linus Chang (3rd Place).

Rob Christeson has written a nice summary of the nine speeches that were delivered in the finals. You can read it here. Rob also did a series of posts that summarize the events that took place during the week at the 2010 Toastmasters World Convention.
Congrats to Mr. Henderson and to all that participated.
Is there any way that we can get a chance to see Mr. Henderson’s wining speech?
All the best,
Thanks, JB. As far as I know, the only way to get a copy of the speeches is to order them from Bill Stephenson Productions or Toastmasters International.
Thanks, John! It’s really a shame, though, that the videos are only available on DVD through a private provider. Toastmasters should put them on YouTube, which would be a great a promotion for the organization.
Thanks, Mattias. You’re not the first person to mention this. However, for many years now, TM has had a deal with a recording company for the exclusive rights to the speeches in the finals. The tapes are jealously guarded and can only be acquire by purchasing them.
Congrats Mr David Henderson, another great speaker has emerged.
Thanks for the link to my posts. I really enjoyed the convention and I alse enjoyed posting about the experience. Keep up the great blog.
The same back to you, Rob.
I was honored to be with you on stage for the semi-finals. Through you I understood to become a World Champion takes more than great speaking – it takes a great heart too. A World Champion heart like yours.
My very best to you, David.