Professional speaker J. A. Gamache compiled a list of 25 ways to make a point across to the audience, whatever the objective of our speech or presentation. As speakers, we want our messages to be understood, credible and remembered. Finding creative ways in which to do so is key.
Gamache. suggests that we first decide what our core message is. Then, we should brainstorm about all the ways that could be used to support that message. Finally, we should sort the items on the list and decide which ones to use.
Here is his list of ways to make a point:
- Example
- Quote
- Historical fact
- Scientific research / statistic
- Joke / humour
- Story / tale
- Comparison / analogy / metaphor
- Personal anecdote
- Third party anecdote
- Third party testimonial
- Case study / role play (with another person)
- Object / prop
- Audiovisual support (e.g., picture / video / music / song)
- Repeating / recalling the message
- Playing devil’s advocate
- Plain statement / thought-provoking statement
- Catchy saying / slogan / recurring theme
- Hypothesis that you defend or attack
- Common objection and rebuttal
- Rhetorical question
- Method / tips / steps to follow
- Moving or miming
- Acronym (e.g., SUCCES)
- Audience participation
- Call to action
Of course, we would not likely use all of these ideas in a single speech or presentation (unless, for example, we were leading a multi-day workshop). And, not every idea will be appropriate for every audience or occasion.
Still, the list because is a good way to get us to think creatively about our speeches and presentations.
Hey John. I would like to add one item: SILENCE. I remember your speech at the district conference in the Hague when you paused those 7-8 seconds after that shoe story – that made the point!
Hi Florian. Thanks for the comment. You are absolutely right about the power of silence through pauses. An excellent way to make a point.
Hi John,
I’d like to think that I could have come up with this list of 25, but I don’t think so. LOL That is some list – should be quoted in every book on Public Speaking. Got a great video over on my blog – would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi Keith,
Thanks for the comment. It is, indeed, a useful list. I’ll be sure to get over to your blog to check out that video.
Appreciate that John.
I’m sure you’ll love it. Have a good weekend.
Hi John,
Just got your comment on easyP. What a great comment and glad you liked Tom’s video. He is rather good!
You made your point, John.
Thanks, Fred! (Actually, J.A. made the points but I am always happy to pass along great stuff.)