I want to wish all readers Happy New Year. I hope that 2017 is a happy, healthy and successful one for you and for those whom you hold dear.
If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you might have noticed that my stream of posts has recently dried to a trickle. In fact, my lack of writing is due to … the huge amount of writing that I have been doing over the last couple of months.
My friend and business partner, Florian Mueck and I have been working steadily—including many 12-hour days—on a book on public speaking for the German publishing house, Redline Verlag. We worked hard to meet an early January deadline from the publisher and we have met that deadline. There will be more work to do with the editor over the next two months, but the heavy lifting is now done.

The book, entitled The TED Effect (in German, Der TED Effekt), will be published in March 2017. It will come out initially in German and we are hopeful that it will eventually be released in English. It has been a labour of love and one which has involved many long sessions working remotely on Google Drive.
Florian and I are excited to share Der TED Effekt with you. If you speak German, you can learn more about it here. And, you can order the book, in paper or electronically, on Amazon. For some great books on public speaking by other authors, have a look here.
In the meantime, I look forward to posting more regularly here on Manner of Speaking.
Update April 2020: While the book has not yet been published in English, it is now available in Russian. I will let you know as soon as our publisher has decided to release the book in English.
The book sounds fascinating, and I wish you both great success with it. From the cover description, I see you’ll discuss presenting on video, which is such a huge growth area.
Recently I watched a series of great Facebook videos by Emma Sutton on storytelling. She didn’t use any visuals, but she’s such an emotional speaker, and the content was so good, that I found them spellbinding.
A few of my recent posts have also dealt in various ways with video and webcam use. For instance, here’s a tip for speeding up playback when you’re watching videos on Facebook, Vimeo, or many other sites. (Other relevant recent posts were Critique of Toastmasters video: “Managing Fear”, which among other things talks about eye contact on video, and 6 tips for great videos of your presentations or demos.)
Lastly, I’d be interested to know how challenging it was for you to write a book in German (say, on a 10-point scale) – assuming that’s what you did. And, given that you and Florian are both multi-lingual, will you do the English translation yourselves?
Thanks for the comment, Craig. In fact, we wrote the book in English. My German is good for dinner conversation but not for writing a book. Florian is a native speaker, so he has translated it. The publishing deal is with a German company so it has to come out in German first. But, they are keen to get it out in English too. It will likely come out in English as an ebook first, but I know that meeting are planned with English publishers to get the hard copy out in English too. Thanks for the tips on playback.