These days, an increasing number of presentations are delivered, not from a stage, but in front of a computer screen. The audience is live but dispersed across offices and cities or even countries and time zones.
Presentations via videoconference on platforms such as Skype and Zoom are now a normal part of work and will only increase in popularity. They are cheap, relatively simple to set up, and save people time and travel expenses. While they are not bug-free, the quality of videoconferences has improved significantly in recent years.

However, when it comes to presentations, these advantages come at a cost. Because they are not in the same room, presenters face an increased challenge to engage with their audiences. They are usually limited in their movements and the audience can only see the presenter’s face or upper body. Indeed, sometimes, audiences only hear the presenter’s voice while slides are shown on screen.
Furthermore, even if there are 50 people listening to a presentation, there is a good chance that each one of those 50 people will be behind his or her own computer at home or at work or in a coffee shop or on public transportation. Not only do speakers have to compete with the distractions found in these locations, the fact that people are not together in one place means much less energy for the audience.
And so, in order to make effective video presentations, speakers need to up their game. Seth Godin recently wrote a post in which he offered eight tips for videoconferences. While those tips are directed at people who are having a conversation or meeting, they also apply for presentations, especially where the speaker can be seen.
Seth’s eight tips for effective video presentations are immediately below. They are followed by an additional 14 tips from me.
Seth Godin’s tips
1. Sit close to the screen. Your face should fill most of it.
2. Use an external microphone or headset.
3. When you’re not talking, hit mute.
4. Don’t eat during the meeting.
5. When you’re on mute during an audio call, you can do whatever you want. But when you’re on mute on a video call, you need to act like you’re truly engaged. Nod your head. Focus on the screen. Don’t get up and feed your dog.
6. Don’t sit with the window behind you. A little effort on lighting goes a very long way.
7. When you’re talking, spend some time looking at the camera, not the screen. You’ll appear more earnest and honest this way.
8. When you’re talking, go slow. No one is going to steal your slot.
Additional tips for effective video presentations
9. Send an agenda to the audience members beforehand that contains the following information: (a) date and time (and your time zone if presenting to people around the world) of the presentation; (b) clear instructions how to connect; (c) outline of the topics to be discussed; and (d) any pre-reading material.
10. Test the platform beforehand, especially if you are going to show slides. For major presentations, consider having a tech person help with the broadcast.
11. Choose a quiet room, put your cell phone on mute and take whatever steps necessary to ensure no disturbances.
12. Be aware of what is behind you. Make sure there is nothing distracting in the background.
13. If feasible, stand up when you present. Place your computer on a bookshelf so that it is eye level. Standing up opens the diaphragm and allows you to breathe more deeply than if you are slouched over your computer. It also helps you feel more energetic which will be transmitted through your voice.
14. If you stand up and your audience cannot see you, it is OK to move about if that helps with your delivery. Just be mindful of not moving too far from the microphone if you are not wearing a headset.
15. If you sit, sit straight and keep your feet flat on the floor. This will help your breathing and will keep you anchored in front of the screen.
16. If people will be able to see you, dress appropriately. At least as far down as they will be able to see! Solid colours are best; fine patterns might “flicker” on the screen. Avoid any jewelry that clinks.
17. Make sure that your hair is neat and that your face is not shiny. Get some camera-friendly makeup — for men and women — if necessary.
18. Warm up your voice beforehand just as you would for any presentation.
19. Have a glass of water within reach. It should be still water and room temperature.
20. Make sure that your gestures don’t extend beyond your audience’s field of vision.
21. If you use slides, you should be the one who advances them. Ideally, you should use a remote; however, if you use the keyboard, press the key gently to avoid a noisy clicking sound.
22. Unless you are delivering bad news, smile!
Now you have a basket of ideas for effective video presentations.
In my previous job, meetings were routinely held via Webex, as the company was global. (My boss was based in the US, and I was the only person on my immediate team in APAC.) So I’ve strong opinions on this topic.
I agree with almost all the points you list. There are a couple of Seth’s I’m less sure of though:
I used to think filling the video feed with the speaker’s face (tip #1) was a good idea – to help convey emotion. But as you say (#20), their gestures should be visible. So these days I prefer a “torso shot”.
Also, speaking slowly (#8) is often a bad idea, as it conveys less passion and conviction. And why does Seth assume no one will talk over you? That really depends on the company culture, and who happens to be on the call with you.
Recently I reviewed a videoed talk where the speaker used gestures, smiles, and shot composition really well. He did speak very quickly, but that helps to convey passion, and so tends to engage people more. See if you agree with the review…
Thanks for sharing your insights and experience, Craig.
I think the face / torso issue is one of personal preference. The key thing is to be in the frame and in focus.
As for speaking slowly, I agree with Seth, but this is based on my years of working in the United Nations system with well over a hundred different cultures. It is critical to speak slowly in English when English is not the mother tongue of the audience members.
It is even more critical when communicating by webinar because the importance of your voice is accentuated. Add the inevitable bad connection / sound issues that often arise and the issue is compounded.
For an audience where everyone is a native speaker of the language being used, you can speed up. But in today’s interconnected world, those situations are the minority of webinars. Fortunately, I believe one can convey passion and conviction when one speaks slowly; it just takes a bit more effort.
On the subject of speed, you might find what Jean-luc Doumont had to say thought-provoking. (I certainly did.)
“Speaking fast is not a problem – doing it all the time is the problem!”
I used to agree with you on that topic, but since then he’s persuaded me otherwise.
If you’re interested, you can find more details here.