Have you ever listened to a speaker who is standing on a creaky stage? Have you ever had to speak from a stage that creaked whenever you stepped on certain spots. It is annoying for both speaker and audience.
But there is a simple, effective way to deal with it. All it takes is a little time and a little tape.
I have written in the past about the benefits of arriving early at the speaking venue. One of the benefits is that you can walk the stage from left to right and back to front.
As you walk, note any spots where the stage creaks when you step on them. Take masking tape – brightly coloured tape is best – and mark the spots. Then, when you are delivering your talk, simply avoid those spots. (You can also use the tape to delineate places where the lighting is not good. Just lay down a line of tape and don’t cross it during your talk.)
It is a simple way to avoid unnecessary distraction of a creaky stage for you and your audience. You will see the tape, but your audience won’t.
So walk the stage before you speak, and then you can avoid the creak!