A lesson from Apple's launch of the iPhone X

The iPhone X (pronounced “iPhone 10”) was touted as the next leap forward in smartphones. It is the first smartphone from Apple to feature a full-screen display, it has “Super Retina” resolution, wireless charging and more. Apple revealed it to the world on 12 September 2017 at a special event at the Steve Jobs Theatre. One of these new […]
Lessons in Simplicity from Apple's Former Ad Agency Creative Director

I recently read an article in a British Airways inflight magazine about the lessons in simplicity that we can learn from Apple. It was written by Ken Segall and is entitled “Keep it simple”. Segall served as Apple’s ad agency creative director for more than 12 years. The article contains a number of insights about the power of […]
Ten Public Speaking Lessons from Steve Jobs

Much has been written about Steve Jobs. He was, without question, one of the greatest and most inspirational businessmen of his generation. He made Apple into one of the most recognizable and iconic brands in the world. His death at the age of 56 came far too early and he is missed. Much has also been […]
How to Design a Presentation like Apple

Emily Stewart recently brought my attention to a short animated video that she and her team produced for OnlineMBA that illustrates some of the key values that Steve Jobs and his team espoused when designing products for Apple. The video is clever and is similar in style to the popular animated videos by RSA Animate. It is […]
A Tough Act to Follow

Today’s post comes from Jesse Langley. Jesse lives near Chicago and divides his time among work, writing and family life. He writes on behalf of Colorado Technical University and has a keen interest in blogging and social media. He also writes for The Professional Intern. ——— Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 97) – Steve Jobs

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. “You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t […]
Tell Me a Story

I love a good story. As a child, I could listen for hours to the tales told by my parents, grandparents, teachers and others. As I grew older, I sought out stories through novels, films or theatre. As a parent, I thoroughly enjoyed reading books (complete with voice characterizations) to my two daughters when they were younger. […]
Tagged AppleBookCommencement speechHistoryPioneerspresentationspublic speakingStanford UniversitySteve JobsStories and Storytellingstorytellingtell a story