Stan Grant's Speech on Racism in Australia

Stan Grant, an indigenous Australian journalist, gave a speech in October 2015 at a debate on racism in Australia. The video of that speech has gone viral. Several people are touting it as the Australian equivalent of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. While I would not elevate this speech to that status—and Grant himself has said that, […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 54) – Keith Hancock

“Oratory is dying; a calculating age has stabbed it to the heart with innumerable dagger-thrusts of statistics.” Keith Hancock
Gone Walkabout

I have a number of friends from Australia. I have also had the good fortune to visit that great country. If you know any Australians or have heard them speak, you will know that they pepper their sentences with wonderfully unique expressions such as “G’Day, Mate” or “She’ll be right” or the ever popular “Ripper”. […]
You'll go bananas over this

There’s more to life than public speaking and blogging. One of my passions is long-distance cycling. In fact, I just got back from a three-hour 75 km ride up in the mountains. Every cyclist knows is the importance of eating right – before, during and after a long ride. A mainstay of any cyclist’s diet is […]
Tagged AustraliabananasBig BananaHarvard Business SchoolNutritionpotassiumpublic speaking