Ten Common Spelling Mistakes That Haunt Presentations

Fewer things take the polish off of your writing than spelling mistakes. If you do any amount of writing, having access to a good dictionary and thesaurus is essential. And with the resources available on the Internet these days, you already do. In a post on the well-known website ProBlogger, Maeve Maddox, the editor of DailyWritingTips.com, […]
We Have Met the Enemy

And he is PowerPoint. A recent article in the New York Times by Elisabeth Bumiller is worth discussing. It examines the degree to which PowerPoint pervades the US military. And the degree to which it is spinning out of control. What do I mean by “out of control”? Check out the slide below that was […]
PowerPoint: The Tipping Point

The tipping point. In this truly horrific PowerPoint slide, we reached the tipping point in the first line. Please don’t do this with your presentations.
Tagged bad PowerPoint slidesPowerPointpresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSlide Presentation