Three public speaking resolutions for 2021

2021. We made it. We finally said goodbye to 2020, a year that will be forever remembered in the history books but not for the best reasons. And, we are still in the thick of the fight against COVID-19. Still, with vaccines now being distributed, there are reasons to be hopeful. And, in any event, […]
Public Speaking Training – The Essential Guide

Why invest in public speaking training? The ability to speak well in public and share a message that is clear, compelling and that moves people to take action is a critical business skill. Companies like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Fast Company and others have conducted surveys in which they asked heads of companies and organizations the question: […]
Rhetoric for Persuasive Speaking

Dukascopy Bank is a Swiss online bank that provides trading services, particularly in the foreign exchange marketplace. One of its subsidiaries, Dukascopy TV, broadcasts shows about business matters on the Internet. I have been interviewed there a few times, for example here and here. persuasive speaking Recently, the team at Dukascopy invited me for an interview […]
What Kurt Vonnegut Can Teach Us About Business Stories

Kurt Vonnegut was a master storyteller and storytelling is powerful. Stories resonate with people on a deep, psychological level. Stories are memorable and help support our messages. Hence the speaker’s maxim: Tell a story, make a point. The best stories contain many elements related to plot, character, dialogue, etc. For some insights into what those elements are, check […]
Public speaking for success: An Interview

Dukascopy Bank, a Swiss online bank that provides trading services, particularly in the foreign exchange marketplace, runs Dukascopy TV, a show on business matters. They recently invited me to speak on public speaking for success in business. In the short video below, I talk about: Whether anyone can become a good public speaker Why storytelling is […]
"The Power of Public Speaking": An Interview

Dukascopy Bank is a Swiss online bank that provides trading services, particularly in the foreign exchange marketplace. One of its subsidiaries, Dukascopy TV, broadcasts taped and live shows about business matters on the Internet. power of public speaking The people at Dukascopy are interested in public speaking and presentation skills as business people have to […]
Sales Pitches that Snap, Crackle n' Pop

Jack Vincent says that when you make a sales pitch, you are not there to close a deal; you are there to open a relationship. That one sentence captures the essence of Jack’s book on sales: Sales Pitches that Snap, Crackle ‘n Pop. Written in a punchy, wry, engaging style, the book contains a wealth […]
50 New Year's Resolutions for Public Speakers

Here are 50 New Year’s Resolutions to help you take your public speaking to a new level in the New Year. In no particular order: 1. I will prepare. 2. I will practice. 3. I will have a clear message. 4. I will be able to distill every speech and every presentation into a single sentence. 5. […]
The Atomic Method of Creating a PowerPoint Presentation

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. They are bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites and I highly recommend it. This post is part of a series based on original posts by Seth. In this blog post from 13 October 2011, Seth […]
Tagged bullet pointsBusinessCommunicationsPowerPointPreparationPresentationpublic speakingSeth GodinSlide Presentation