Ten Tips on Using Body Language When Delivering a Speech

Today’s post features some valuable advice about your body language when delivering a speech or presentation. It comes from my friend, Douglas Kruger. Douglas, who hails from South Africa, is a speaker, author and trainer. In his three-minute video below, Douglas demonstrates several simple but powerful techniques that you can use to enhance your message the next […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 127) – Carl Buechner

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Carl Buechner
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 123) – George Bernard Shaw

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw
Speak with Conviction

I recently had the good fortune of working with a number of teenagers to help them with their public speaking and presentation skills for leadership roles that they have in their youth group. It’s always great to see young people who are interested in public speaking and willing to take the plunge to share their […]
Good Penmanship for Public Speakers

The pen is mightier than the sword; but when it comes to public speaking, an empty hand is mightier than the pen. Sometimes, a speaker will take the stage holding a pen and deliver the entire speech or presentation without ever writing a single word. Yet all the while, the pen is omnipresent, moving up […]
Public Speaking is a Risk

Failure is inevitable at some point when it comes to public speaking. For example, did you ever: Forget what you wanted to say? Get lost, or stuck in traffic and arrive too late? Have trouble speaking because you were so nervous? Have the equipment stop working and leave you in the lurch? Get questions from […]
How to be an Outstanding Communicator

Today’s post on how to be an outstanding communicator is from Martin Shovel. Martin is a writer, speechwriter, cartoonist and communications expert with a special interest in new media and social networking. He is a regular contributor to the Guardian’s Mind Your Language blog and has appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Word of Mouth. Martin’s article is somewhat […]
Rhetorical Devices: Introduction

Rhetoric is the art of using language with persuasive effect. Aristotle wrote the classic book on the subject, On Rhetoric, in the 4th century BC. For centuries, the study of rhetoric—the ability to speak in public and to move audiences with logic, emotion and credibility—was an important component of many educational systems. Many of the rhetorical devices […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 89) – Robert Orben

“A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that ‘individuality’ is the key to success.” Robert Orben
Tagged Commencement speechCommunicationGraduationHumourpublic speakingRobert Orben