Lessons from a Public Speaking Champion

Last weekend, I was in Lisbon, Portugal attending the Toastmasters District 59 Spring Conference. There were many things that I enjoyed about the conference and I will be talking about it in future posts. One of the guests of honour at the conference was Darren LaCroix. Darren was the 2001 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking. […]

Patience, they say, is a virtue. Sometimes, for whatever reason, the people in the audience (or at least some of them) just don’t get it. They do not understand the point that the speaker is trying to make. They ask questions that the speaker thought had been answered in the presentation. For a speaker, this […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 86) – James Humes

“Quotes can indeed wield power. A speaker who drones on at the same tempo and in the same register of voice may find his listeners’ interest waning, but a quotation in the middle of a talk is like a baseball pitcher’s change of pace. “A quotation arrests the audience’s attention. It wakes them up. It […]
25 Ways to Make a Point

Professional speaker J. A. Gamache compiled a list of 25 ways to make a point across to the audience, whatever the objective of our speech or presentation. As speakers, we want our messages to be understood, credible and remembered. Finding creative ways in which to do so is key. Gamache. suggests that we first decide […]
Analysis of a Speech by Kathryn Schulz

Analysis of a TED Talk by Kathryn Schultz
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 80) – Molière

“If you make yourself understood, you’re always speaking well.” Molière
resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences

It’s been said that there are no new stories; there are only new ways of telling the old stories. The same holds true for public speaking and presentation skills. After all, people have been writing about public speaking since Aristotle penned Art of Rhetoric in the 4th Century B.C. Yet every so often, a book […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 77) – John Maxwell

If there is a more important key to communication than finding common ground, I certainly can’t think of it.
Basic Speech Geometry

The basic geometry of a speech should be circular, not linear.
Tagged audienceCommunicationConclusionJack and the BeanstalkLord of the RingsOpeningPreparationpublic speakingSpeechSpeech DevelopmentThe Hobbit