Nothing Like a Pint of Guinness!

I enjoy a pint of Guinness from time to time. So, in honour of the delicious beer from Ireland, something on the light side today. A few days ago, I published a post analyzing Conan O’Brien’s terrific commencement address at Dartmouth College. Today I came across a clip from Conan’s TV show in which he […]
Analysis of a Speech by Conan O'Brien

On 12 June 2011, Conan O’Brien delivered the commencement address to the 2011 graduating class of Dartmouth College. In cold, windy weather, he took the stage and wowed a crowd of thousands 24 minutes. Conan’s jokes, one-liners and funny anecdotes elicited a steady stream of laughter and applause. But then the direction of the speech changed, and […]
Tagged Commencement speechConan O'BrienDartmouth CollegeJim Yong Kimpublic speakingspeech analysisThe Tonight Show