A conversation with Conor Neill

I have just returned home after my annual week teaching public speaking and communication skills at the IESE Executive MBA Programme in Barcelona, Spain. It was my 7th year working with fellow speaking professionals — and good friends — Tony Anagor, Florian Mueck, Conor Neill and Tobias Rodrigues. During the week, I sat down with […]
Four Public Speaking Lessons – and a Drone!

I recently had the pleasure of spending 10 days in Barcelona for work and pleasure. The first week was spent at IESE Business School where, once or twice a year, I join four others to teach public speaking and communication skills to the class of IESE’s Executive MBA Programme. The week is always intense and […]
Arnold Schwarzenegger and little victories

I am currently in the middle of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography, Total Recall. It is a fascinating read that offers great insights into the focus, drive and work ethic of the man. Schwarzenegger is not perfect, and he has made his share of mistakes, but his achievements in bodybuilding, real estate, business, acting, politics and philanthropy are admirable and inspiring. (Plus […]
Is PowerPoint good or a bad?

Is PowerPoint good or bad? The question invokes strong feelings on both sides. But the correct answer is: It depends. I am proud to be part of a team that gets to spend one week a year with the dynamic, clever students in the IESE Executive MBA Programme. We help them hone their public speaking […]
Managing Public Speaking Anxiety

I am proud to be part of a great team that gets to spend one week a year with the dynamic, motivated and clever students in the IESE Executive MBA Programme. We help them hone their public speaking skills so that they are able to communicate more effectively the great things on which they are […]
A Violin, a Subway Station and a Lesson from Aristotle

At approximately 7:45 on a chilly Friday morning in January 2007, a young man with a violin case entered one of the subway stations in Washington, D.C. His name was Joshua Bell. He took up a position near a wall and a garbage can, took out his violin and positioned the open case so that […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 117) – Conor Neill

“Start strong with a ‘grabber’. A personal story, a quote from an expert or a shocking statistic—something that takes a hold of your audience and gets them hooked and opens their mind to your message. Give the audience a chance to see your personal connection to the topic.” Conor Neill
A Public Speaking Lesson in a Pot of Clay

I recently heard a story from my friend, Conor Neill about a pot of clay. Conor came across the story via Malcolm Gladwell. I am not sure where Gladwell got it, but on with the story … On the first day of a pottery course, the teacher did something rather peculiar. She divided the students […]
What will the audience do when you've finished speaking?

Long-time readers of this blog know that I stress the importance of thinking about the audience before preparing a speech or designing a presentation. A speech or presentation is always about the audience: first; last; and foremost. That’s why I am delighted to share a short video featuring my friend and fellow public speaker, Conor […]
Tagged audienceBarcelonaConor NeillIESEPresentationpublic speakingSpeech