The life-changing magic of tidying up your presentations

As I write this post, my wife and I are approximately three weeks into a massive effort to tidy up our home. This is no ordinary, annual clean-up; this is a methodical full-on assault to go through all of our possessions and really decide what we need or want, and to get rid of the […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 81) – Garr Reynolds

“Professional entertainers know that you want to end on a high note and leave the audience yearning for just a bit more from you. We want to leave our audiences satisfied (motivated, inspired, more knowledgeable, etc.), but not feeling that they could have done with just a little less. “We can apply this spirit to […]
The Social Contract

You have just been asked to give a speech or presentation and are all fired up to do a great job. Congratulations. You will undoubtedly have many questions about your presentation. However, there is one question – indeed the most important question – that should be the first one you ask (and answer): “What’s in […]
Making an Impact – The Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll or who took the time to write a thoughtful comment, either here or on Linked In. The topic is clearly one of interest and it generated a lot of good discussion. I confess that the question was somewhat unfair in that it obliged you to choose […]
Making an Impact – The Poll

This might be my blog, but that does not mean that I should do all the work. Now it’s your turn. In today’s post, I want to focus on a very general question, the answer to which provides good insight into the preparation and delivery of a speech or presentation. The question is straightforward: Which of the following […]
Tagged contentimpactpollverbalvisual