Find the extraordinary in the ordinary

My friend, Lance Miller is an award-winning public speaker and trainer. He graduated from Michigan State University with a Degree in Food Systems, Economics and Management. Lance has an extensive background in business and is a philanthropist who has worked in numerous humanitarian causes around the world. In 2005, Lance won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public […]
Something more: A lesson from Chef's Table

Chef’s Table My wife, Julie and I recently happened upon the Netflix series, Chef’s Table. Each episode features one of the world’s most successful chefs, digging into the background story and finding out what drives the person. We are late to the game. We watched the last episode of Season 2, but as of the date of […]
8 Lessons from a Dutch Fashion Designer

I believe in the power of consistent, focused practice in one’s chosen discipline. As a professional speaker, I spend a lot of time working to improve my skills. I speak, train, read and write. I watch videos of other speakers and I seek feedback on my own speeches. Jan Taminiau However, there is much we can […]
Two lessons from a missed flight

In 2015, my wife and I went to Singapore and Thailand. Our oldest daughter was working at the National University of Singapore (NUS) for the summer and we flew out to visit her. It was a wonderful experience. But this post is not about Singapore or Thailand, per se. Rather, it is about the eventful […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 179) – Bill Bernbach

“The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you, and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what you’re saying, and they can’t know what you’re saying if they don’t listen to you, and they won’t listen to you if you’re not interesting, and you won’t be interesting unless you say things imaginatively, originally, […]
Lessons from a Stunning Three-Minute Stop Motion Film

I recently rediscovered this brilliant—and it is brilliant—three-minute stop motion film commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Olympus PEN camera. I first came across it in 2009, the year in which it was released. According to the people who made this creative work, they took 60,000 photographs, developed 9,600 prints and reshot 1,800 photos. And […]
25 Ways to Make a Point

Professional speaker J. A. Gamache compiled a list of 25 ways to make a point across to the audience, whatever the objective of our speech or presentation. As speakers, we want our messages to be understood, credible and remembered. Finding creative ways in which to do so is key. Gamache. suggests that we first decide […]
Lessons from a Ukulele

Creativity and passion in a most unusual package.
Desperately Seeking Inspiration

It’s a shame that so many presentations fall short of the mark because they are so uninspiring. We all know the feeling: The speaker ascends the podium; there is a moment of anticipation, of excitement; the first slide flashes on the screen — full of text; the speaker reads the slide; the next slide flashes […]
Tagged CommunicationcreativityDan PinkinspirationPablo Picassopresentationspublic speakingSeth Godin