Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ – The new Family theme is here!

Last summer, Florian Mueck and I released the app version of Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™, the world’s first public speaking board game. One of the great things about an app is that you can update it with new features. The first of those new features is now here: the Family theme. Over the last several months, […]
RHETORIC Game App: Thanksgiving / Black Friday Sale!

In a previous post, I announced that Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ is now available as an app. You can read that post here. For now, you can play RHETORIC in English, Spanish, French, German and Catalan. We will add more languages in the future. And, we will soon be releasing our first major upgrade to […]
12 Lessons from Pablo Picasso for Public Speakers

Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. His paintings are among the most recognizable of any artist that has lived. However, Picasso was not just known for his art; he was also know for his wit and wisdom. While reading through a collection of quotes by Picasso, […]
Desperately Seeking Inspiration

It’s a shame that so many presentations fall short of the mark because they are so uninspiring. We all know the feeling: The speaker ascends the podium; there is a moment of anticipation, of excitement; the first slide flashes on the screen — full of text; the speaker reads the slide; the next slide flashes […]
What's Your Sentence?

Distilling your presentations into a single sentence or two will help keep you on the right track and ensure that your words, stories, statistics, pictures, props, etc. support, rather than detract from, your message. The next time you give a speech or presentation, ask yourself “What’s my key message?” or, if you prefer, “What’s my sentence?”
Making it stick: Be unexpected

Being unexpected is a great way for public speakers to be memorable. You have to create surprise and interest for your audience. Learn how in this post and watch a great example in a talk given by Dan Pink.
Tagged A Whole New MindChip HeathDan HeathDan PinkMade to Stickpresentationspublic speakingsurpriseTEDunexpected