Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 213) – Lady Bird Johnson

“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.” Lady Bird Johnson
Get excited before your next speech

Giving a speech or presentation can be stressful. Public speaking anxiety is a problem for many people. Even seasoned public speakers get butterflies in their stomachs prior to stepping on stage. Most people deal with the pressure by trying to calm down. They sit quietly and tell themselves, silently or aloud, to calm down, that there is nothing to […]
A Musical Way to Beat Stage Fright

Stage fright! You have to speak in front of an audience. Perhaps you know the people, perhaps you don’t. Perhaps it’s a big audience, maybe it’s not. It doesn’t matter, because all of a sudden, the heart beats faster, the palms get sweaty, the butterflies start bouncing around in your stomach, the throat dries up. […]
Tagged Dealing with nervesFlorian MueckJoe KowankaraokeNerves