The Holy Grail of Good Design

When it comes to slide presentations, I am a believer in good design, even though I am not a design specialist. Oh, I know a few things that you can do with software like PowerPoint and Keynote, but most of it is pretty basic. Good design is more than just flashy technology up on the screen; […]
Alain de Botton on Dieter Rams and Good Design

A while back, I wrote a post about Dieter Rams, the German industrial designer who is recognized as one of the most influential industrial designers of the 20th century. Rams worked for 40 years at the German consumer products company, Braun. Today, he works at Vitsœ, a British furniture company. In the early 1980’s, as he became […]
The Ten Commandments of Good Design

Good design not necessarily easy, but it is possible. Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer who has been recognized as one of the most influential industrial designers of the 20th century. He worked for 40 years at the German consumer products company, Braun. Today, he works at Vitsœ, a British furniture company that manufactures […]
Tagged DesignDieter RamsIndustrial designPowerPointpresentation skills trainingVitsœ