Analysis of a speech by Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert is a Harvard psychologist who has spent a lot of time thinking about and studying happiness. He is the author of Stumbling on Happiness. The New York Times Book Review wrote, “Gilbert’s elbow-in-the-ribs social-science humor is actually funny. … But underneath the goofball brilliance, [he] has a serious argument to make about why human beings are forever […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 120) – Bill Gates

“What I do best is share my enthusiasm.” Bill Gates
Seth Godin: The Unlimited Power of Enthusiasm

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. I highly recommend his blog. In this post from 1 November 2006, Seth talks about the power of bringing enthusiasm to whatever you do, be it work or play. Earlier today I was teaching […]
Tagged Emotionenthusiasmpresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSeth Godin