Happy New Year 2017 (and a new book!)

I want to wish all readers Happy New Year. I hope that 2017 is a happy, healthy and successful one for you and for those whom you hold dear. If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you might have noticed that my stream of posts has recently dried to a trickle. In fact, […]
RHETORIC Game App: Thanksgiving / Black Friday Sale!

In a previous post, I announced that Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ is now available as an app. You can read that post here. For now, you can play RHETORIC in English, Spanish, French, German and Catalan. We will add more languages in the future. And, we will soon be releasing our first major upgrade to […]
RHETORIC. The app is here!

My friend and business partner, Florian Mueck and I are thrilled to announce the launch of the app for Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™. It has been an incredible journey. A few years ago, we looked for board games specifically designed for public speaking but could not find any. Because public speaking is such an important […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 200) – Florian Mueck

“Public speaking is a mountain without a peak. We’ll never reach perfection. But we can all climb higher and ever higher, and higher still.” Florian Mueck
Managing Public Speaking Anxiety

I am proud to be part of a great team that gets to spend one week a year with the dynamic, motivated and clever students in the IESE Executive MBA Programme. We help them hone their public speaking skills so that they are able to communicate more effectively the great things on which they are […]
A Musical Way to Beat Stage Fright

Stage fright! You have to speak in front of an audience. Perhaps you know the people, perhaps you don’t. Perhaps it’s a big audience, maybe it’s not. It doesn’t matter, because all of a sudden, the heart beats faster, the palms get sweaty, the butterflies start bouncing around in your stomach, the throat dries up. […]
Tagged Dealing with nervesFlorian MueckJoe KowankaraokeNerves