Price of Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ reduced

These are difficult times. The coronavirus, COVID-19 has hit the world hard. And it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. One of the impacts is that millions of people are now homebound because of the virus and it is not clear when this confinement will end. It makes for […]
Gamification can help overcome public speaking nerves

Gamification is serious business. I have written before about Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™, the board game and app that Florian Mueck and I co-created. You can read recent posts here and here. Recently, I was interviewed about the game on Dukascopy Swiss Financial TV. My interview with Jack Everitt below. While discussing the RHETORIC, […]
Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ – The new Family theme is here!

Last summer, Florian Mueck and I released the app version of Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™, the world’s first public speaking board game. One of the great things about an app is that you can update it with new features. The first of those new features is now here: the Family theme. Over the last several months, […]
RHETORIC Game App: Thanksgiving / Black Friday Sale!

In a previous post, I announced that Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ is now available as an app. You can read that post here. For now, you can play RHETORIC in English, Spanish, French, German and Catalan. We will add more languages in the future. And, we will soon be releasing our first major upgrade to […]
Tagged Dan PinkFlorian Mueckgamificationpublic speakingRhetoric - The Public Speaking GameSpringwise