6 tips for speaking English to non-native speakers

Speaking English to an audience of non-native speakers is tricky. Because so many people speak English, many native English speakers forget how complicated English can be for others. The difference between the United Nations and the National Hockey League For 17 years, I worked in the United Nations system. I was based in Geneva, but […]
Lose the jargon

One of the podcasts that I listen to regularly is The Good Life Project hosted by Jonathan Fields. The Good Life Project is “a global movement that inspires, educates, connects and supports mission-driven individuals in the quest to live better, more engaged, connected and aligned lives.” Fields has interviewed a variety of fascinating people from all walks of […]
Sound Advice from George Orwell

Seth Godin recently wrote a post on good writing habits. He says that the reason business writing is so bad is that people are either afraid to say what they mean, because they might be criticized, or afraid to be misunderstood and thus criticized. I believe that the same can be said of bad speaking habits. In […]
Tagged Chip HeathconcreteconcretenessDan HeathEnglish languageGeorge OrwelllanguageMade to StickPolitics and the English Languagepublic speakingSeth Godinwriting