Patrick Stewart: A lesson from Shakespeare and Star Trek

I am not a Trekkie, but I was a big fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was the second Star Trek series and the only one that I watched from beginning to end. The main reason was the brilliant performance by Patrick Stewart, the brilliant English actor. Stewart played Jean-Luc Picard, the Captain […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 229) – Lou Holtz

“All you need is something to say and a burning desire to say it. It doesn’t matter where your hands are.” Lou Holtz
The Power of Gestures

For a great example of how gestures can be used to increase the effectiveness of a presentation, watch the fascinating TED Talk below by Bonnie Bassler. She is a molecular biologist at Princeton University. In the video, she is speaking about a very exciting discovery in the field of bacteriology. Effective speakers understand the power […]
A Good Tip, Hands Down

Have you ever been empty-handed in a conversation at a cocktail party? No drink or plate of canapés to hold? Did you suddenly become acutely aware of your hands? So much so, that you were not sure what to do with them? Me too. Thank heavens for wine. And canapés. When we are on stage, […]
Tagged gestureshandsJohnny Carsonpublic speakingTonight Show