Some Chilling Public Speaking History

Here is a rather chilling passage from The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Russian author captures in a few short paragraphs the sense of terror that pervaded the Soviet Union under Stalin. Nowadays, we often hear people talk about being “bored to death” by a speaker. Of course, they are speaking figuratively. However, in the […]
Tell Me a Story

I love a good story. As a child, I could listen for hours to the tales told by my parents, grandparents, teachers and others. As I grew older, I sought out stories through novels, films or theatre. As a parent, I thoroughly enjoyed reading books (complete with voice characterizations) to my two daughters when they were younger. […]
Tagged AppleBookCommencement speechHistoryPioneerspresentationspublic speakingStanford UniversitySteve JobsStories and Storytellingstorytellingtell a story