How to speak with authentic charisma

How can we speak with charisma—authentic charisma—when we are on stage? That is the subject that Jim Harvey and I discussed in the fourth and final edition of our webinar series. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of storytelling. The second webinar covered rhetorical devices. The third webinar covered visual aids that support your presentations. In the […]
10 tips for setting up on the day of your presentation

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series designed to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ——— You’ve prepared your presentation and you’ve arrived at the venue well in advance of your start time. Congratulations, but you’re not finished […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 273) – Jim Harvey

“If you don’t understand what the audience wants, you can’t be relevant. If you can’t be relevant, you won’t be interesting. If you aren’t interesting, you won’t be heard. If you’re not heard, you’ll be forgotten. If you’re forgotten, you’re done.” Jim Harvey
12 easy hacks to be more charismatic
I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series designed to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ——— Charisma. It’s not a special talent bestowed on a chosen few. We are all born with charisma. I challenge you to show […]
Launch of Presentation Guru!

In his blog post today, 1 June 2016, Seth Godin wrote: [R]eading more blogs is one of the best ways to become smarter, more effective and more engaged in what’s going on. The last great online bargain. Good blogs aren’t focused on the vapid race for clicks that other forms of social media encourage. Instead, […]
Tagged Emma BannisterJim HarveyNancy DuarteNick MorganPresentation Gurupresentationspublic speaking