Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 344) – John Maxwell

“Credibility is a leader’s currency. With it, he or she is solvent; without it, he or she is bankrupt.” John Maxwell Photo courtesy of Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes Guatemala
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 268) – John Maxwell

“The first time you say something, it’s heard; the second time, it’s recognized; the third time, it’s learned.” John Maxwell Photo courtesy of Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes Guatemala
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 77) – John Maxwell

If there is a more important key to communication than finding common ground, I certainly can’t think of it.
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect

John Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker and author. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Business Week best-selling author, Maxwell has sold over 18 million books. His most recent work is entitled Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. The premise of the book is simple: Talk is cheap. What matters is making your […]
Tagged audienceBusinessCommunicationConnectingEveryone Communicates Few ConnectJohn MaxwellLeadership