Three ways to rethink your title slide

Your title slide occupies prime real estate in your slide deck. It is the gateway to your presentation. You can either spend time thinking how to use it to maximum advantage or miss an opportunity to grab you audience’s attention from the start. Titles slides often contain such details as the date of the presentation, the […]
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

When I was a kid, one of my favourite movies was The Wizard of Oz. Back in the day, there was no streaming on demand, so you had to wait until it was shown on television. With few channels available, that usually meant the the movie came to TV about once a year. One of the […]
Nine photo composition tips for your slides

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the photographs of Steve McCurry speak volumes. With a career that has spanned more than 30 years, McCurry is widely considered a legend in contemporary photography. His photo of the Afhan Girl is iconic and the galleries on his website are well worth a visit. The Cooperative […]
Is PowerPoint good or a bad?

Is PowerPoint good or bad? The question invokes strong feelings on both sides. But the correct answer is: It depends. I am proud to be part of a team that gets to spend one week a year with the dynamic, clever students in the IESE Executive MBA Programme. We help them hone their public speaking […]
2012 U.S. "Prezi"dential Election Recap

I came across this presentation on Prezi that provides a recap of the 2012 Presidential election in the United States. If you are not familiar with Prezi, have a look. Click the image below and you will find the presentation on the Prezi home page. You can navigate the presentation back and forth via the two […]
Go to Black

When you are in the middle of a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, you can make the screen go black at any time by pressing the letter “B” (as in “Black”). You can also make the screen go black with most remote controls. There are a few instances when I recommend using this feature. When to go to black […]
When Things Go Wrong: Ten Presentation Lessons from Apollo 13

Every public speaker can learn a lesson from Apollo 13. The day of the big presentation has arrived. You’ve prepared, you know your material and you’ve arrived at the venue early to get set up. You check the room and everything looks fine. The stage is ready, the sound system works and the lighting is […]
Ten Common Mistakes When Hiring a Keynote Speaker

Paul Rulkens is a personal and organizational development consultant and professional speaker. He helps improve business results by making people, teams and organizations more successful. Currently, he is responsible for building a high performance culture in DSM, a global material and life science company. Paul recently shared an article with me that he wrote with […]
Speakers: It's About Time (and How to Manage It)

Time management is an essential skill for any public speaker. It should be part of any communications skills training course. I previously wrote a post about why speakers should stay on time when giving a speech or presentation, and how failing to do so is a sign of disrespect. I encouraged speakers to finish on […]
Tagged audienceKeynotelecternPowerPointPresentationpublic speakingSpeechtime