Every Presentation Ever?

Here’s a clever video that rings true on many levels when it comes to boring presentations. And, as is so often the case with humour, there are lessons to be learned.
A Lesson From Leo Tolstoy

A valuable lesson for public speakers from Leo Tolstoy’s classic story, “How Much Land Does a Man Need?”.
Making Data Meaningful

A brilliant four-and-a-half minute slide presentation that demonstrates how statistics and data can be conveyed so that they have an emotional impact on the audience.
Ten Common Spelling Mistakes That Haunt Presentations

Fewer things take the polish off of your writing than spelling mistakes. If you do any amount of writing, having access to a good dictionary and thesaurus is essential. And with the resources available on the Internet these days, you already do. In a post on the well-known website ProBlogger, Maeve Maddox, the editor of DailyWritingTips.com, […]
A public speaking fable

This post is an adaptation of a story about a fishmonger that Garr Reynolds recounts in his book Presentation Zen. Reynolds heard the story from a man who recalled it from his childhood while listening to Reynolds speak about the need to reduce the text on slide presentations to what is essential. The Tale of […]

Some new presentation software caught my eye this week: Prezi. Now, I have to say up front that I have not used this technology, nor have I seen it used in an actual presentation. Still, my first impression is a favourable one. The basic difference between Prezi and PowerPoint or Keynote is that whereas the […]
Tagged KeynoteParag KhannaPowerPointPresentationPrezipublic speakingSlide Presentation