Pauses in a speech: Why, when and how

A STORY FROM SPAIN Pauses aren’t easy. I teach public speaking and presentation skills at a few Executive MBA Programmes in Switzerland and Spain. A few years ago, I was teaching a class at IESE in Barcelona. One of my students was a fellow named Manuel. He was bright, thoughtful and fully engaged. He also […]
A conversation with Conor Neill

I have just returned home after my annual week teaching public speaking and communication skills at the IESE Executive MBA Programme in Barcelona, Spain. It was my 7th year working with fellow speaking professionals — and good friends — Tony Anagor, Florian Mueck, Conor Neill and Tobias Rodrigues. During the week, I sat down with […]
A giant leap forward in your public speaking

There is a lot to learn about public speaking. The fact that I have been writing this blog for 10 years is testament to that. And no matter how much you learn, no matter how good you become, you will never reach perfection because there is always room for improvement. But there is one thing […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 287) – Rosalynn Carter

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” Rosalynn Carter
25 Principles of Adult Behavior

The 25 Principles of Adult Behavior by John Perry Barlow. Barlow was an American poet, essayist, political activist and cattle rancher. He was also a lyricist for the Grateful Dead. On 7 February 2018, Barlow passed away. As the tributes an obituaries poured in, Barlow’s 25 Principles of Adult Behavior was frequently referenced. I hadn’t looked at […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 270) – Shiv Kera

“There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.” Shiv Kera Photo courtesy of Rajeev Verma
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 254) – Warren Bennis

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult.” Warren Bennis
Barack Obama's Farewell Speech

Yesterday, 10 January 2017, President Barack Obama gave his farewell speech in Chicago. It is the end of an era. Obama brought intelligence, dignity and character to the White House. Embed from Getty Images As the first black President, Obama broke a barrier that seemed impenetrable not so long ago. In so doing, he not only faced a […]
Stan Grant's Speech on Racism in Australia

Stan Grant, an indigenous Australian journalist, gave a speech in October 2015 at a debate on racism in Australia. The video of that speech has gone viral. Several people are touting it as the Australian equivalent of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. While I would not elevate this speech to that status—and Grant himself has said that, […]
Tagged AustraliaCommoratioEpistropheLeadershippublic speakingracismStan Grant