Seth Godin: But You're Not Saying Anything

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. They are bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites. In this blog post from 4 June 2010, Seth rails against the incomprehensible claptrap that is dumped on us time and time again in presentations […]
Be like Carl Sagan

In my series entitled “Making it Stick”, one of the posts discusses how to be credible as a speaker. One of the pieces of advice is to put things, especially statistics, into context for our audiences. Failing to do so can result in a presentation that is overwhelming or mind-numbing or both. As Chip and […]
What drives you?

There is a word in Japanese – ikigai (生き甲斐 – pronounced “ee-ki-guy”). There is no one word in English that is its equivalent. In fact, to express the concept in English, we have borrowed a phrase from French – raison d’être. Roughly, the words ikigai and raison d’être mean “your reason for being” or “that which is important […]
Making it Stick: Tell stories

The importance of telling stories in a speech or presentation cannot be overestimated. Stories make our speeches memorable. See a great example from Steve Jobs.
Making it Stick: Emotion matters

This is Part 6 of a seven-part series on making speeches and presentations memorable. It is based on the book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. We can learn a lot, on many levels, from Mother Theresa. We can even learn something about public speaking from her. Mother Theresa once said, “If I look at […]
Making it Stick: Credibility Counts

This is Part 5 of a seven-part series on making speeches and presentations memorable. It is based on the book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. George Clooney. Suave, debonair, funny, articulate. He is also an active supporter of many worthy causes. The picture above was taken in July 2009 when Clooney was […]
Making it Stick: Be Concrete

This is Part 4 of a seven-part series on making speeches and presentations memorable. It is based on the book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. Today I want to talk to you about planned initiatives to streamline functionalities in inter-departmental communications, thereby capitalizing on synergies and maximizing shareholder value. Wait a minute. […]
Making it stick: Be unexpected

Being unexpected is a great way for public speakers to be memorable. You have to create surprise and interest for your audience. Learn how in this post and watch a great example in a talk given by Dan Pink.
Making it stick: Introduction

This is Part 1 of a seven-part series on making speeches and presentations memorable. It is based on the book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. Good speakers are memorable. Come to think of it, bad speakers are also memorable, albeit for different reasons. Being memorable, making our message resonate with our audiences […]
Tagged CommunicationEbbinghausforegetting curveMade to Stickmemorypresentationspublic speaking