An Afternoon with Hans Rosling – Part 3

This is the third and final post about Hans Rosling’s presentation in Geneva, Switzerland which I had the pleasure of attending. The previous two posts can be found here and here. In this post, I share some additional reflections on Rosling’s 90-minute talk on global health trends. Rosling made the data meaningful Rosling’s Gapminder technology […]
An Afternoon with Hans Rosling – Part 2

In my last post, I wrote about Hans Rosling’s visit to the World Health Organization and my conversation with him. In this post, I share some reflections from Rosling’s 90-minute talk on global health trends. Arrive early For those members of the WHO and UNAIDS who were not able to see Rosling’s talk in person, […]
PowerPoint: It's Child's Play

Who knew that PowerPoint could make you feel all warm and fuzzy? But kudos to Microsoft for this commercial. Very clever. I have to give the young man credit. Heck, even I’d buy him a dog after that!But as humorous as this commercial is, there are some important lessons that we can learn from it: […]
A Public Speaker's Checklist

A checklist of 50 things that public speakers need to remember before their presentation.
Tagged BusinessChecklistCommunicationsEducation and TrainingMicrosoft PowerPointPreparationPublic Speaker's Checklistpublic speaking