How not to screw up an introduction like the ABC moderators at the Republican Presidential Debate

Moderators must do better. The Republican Presidential Debate on 6 February 2016 began in appalling fashion. And I am not talking about the candidates. Take a look. I would have expected better. Seriously, it looked like amateur hour. Many people have been poking fun at Ben Carson and Donald Trump for missing their cues. But […]
Seize every opportunity

Two days ago, my wife and I went to the theatre here in Geneva. We saw Blue Butterfly, a play written and performed by a talented group of scientists. The play is clever, complex and insightful. It grew out of a group of artists and scientists “sitting in a room swapping stories, sharing passions and […]
An Evening with Kofi Annan

One of the great things about living in Geneva is the variety of interesting people who visit the city. A little over a month ago, I was able to take in a great lecture by Hans Rosling. (You can read my posts about the event here and here and here.) Last week, I went to […]
Tagged GenevaKofi Annanmoderatorpublic speakingUnited NationsUniversity of Geneva