Message from the Berlin Wall

I regularly travel to Berlin, Germany to work with a client there. My client’s offices are located close to the largest remaining section of the Berlin Wall, so I know that part of the city well. It is always a humbling experience to walk along the Wall and reflect on what life in Berlin must […]
10 Lessons from Jim Carrey for Public Speakers

I recently came across the six-minute film, Jim Carrey: I Needed Color. It is a beautifully shot and wonderfully told story about Jim Carrey’s fascination with art, particularly painting. The movie shows a side of Carrey with which many people may not be familiar, a side that contrasts starkly with his stand-up personality and with […]
Analysis of a Speech by Khizr Khan

Of the 204 speeches that were delivered at the 2016 Republican and Democratic Conventions in the United States—71 by Republicans and 133 by Democrats—one has stood out. I refer to the speech by Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim-American soldier who was killed in Iraq. Mr. Khan spoke on the final day of the Democratic Convention. With his wife standing […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 151) – Olivia Schofield

“An actor is an expert at being someone else. A speaker is an expert at being themselves.” Olivia Schofield
World Championship of Public Speaking, 2011

The 2011 World Championship of Public Speaking, hosted by Toastmasters International in Las Vegas, Nevada, is now history. Congratulations to all contestants, especially Jock Elliott (1st Place), Kwong Yue Yang (2nd Place) and Scott Pritchard (3rd Place). I must, however, say a special word about my friend, Olivia Schofield, who also participated in finals. She […]
Tagged International Speech ContestJock ElliottKwong Yue YangOlivia Schofieldpublic speakingScott PritchardToastmasters International