Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 309) – Pablo Picasso

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” Pablo Picasso
Simplicity is the key to brilliance

Simplicity is the key to brilliance. Don’t take my word for it. Just ask anyone who has succeeded in his or her field. For example, see what the following people—who are associated with widely different fields—all said about simplicity. Aristotle Frédéric Chopin Chip and Dan Heath Steve Jobs Bruce Lee Charles Mingus Pablo Picasso Dieter […]
The Holy Grail of Good Design

When it comes to slide presentations, I am a believer in good design, even though I am not a design specialist. Oh, I know a few things that you can do with software like PowerPoint and Keynote, but most of it is pretty basic. Good design is more than just flashy technology up on the screen; […]
Design your presentation like Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was not just a master of art; he was a master of human nature. Of all the things that we can learn from him, one of the most important is the power of simplicity. “Art,” said Picasso, “is the elimination of the unnecessary.” And he actively practiced what he preached. Perhaps the finest example […]
12 Lessons from Pablo Picasso for Public Speakers

Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. His paintings are among the most recognizable of any artist that has lived. However, Picasso was not just known for his art; he was also know for his wit and wisdom. While reading through a collection of quotes by Picasso, […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 91) – Pablo Picasso

“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.” Pablo Picasso
Desperately Seeking Inspiration

It’s a shame that so many presentations fall short of the mark because they are so uninspiring. We all know the feeling: The speaker ascends the podium; there is a moment of anticipation, of excitement; the first slide flashes on the screen — full of text; the speaker reads the slide; the next slide flashes […]
Tagged CommunicationcreativityDan PinkinspirationPablo Picassopresentationspublic speakingSeth Godin