Five Characteristics You Need to Succeed as a Public Speaker

This is a guest post by Arman Sadeghi. Arman is an entrepreneur, professional speaker and founder of Titanium Success. He has a degree in molecular and cell biology from the University of California at Berkeley. Arman has a passion for healthy mind, body, and spirit. He speaks about, and coaches people on, personal development and success. ——— Great public speakers are […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 120) – Bill Gates

“What I do best is share my enthusiasm.” Bill Gates
Lessons from a Ukulele

Creativity and passion in a most unusual package.
When a Wordsmith is Passionate

Taylor Mali is an American slam poet, humorist, teacher and voiceover artist. He is also a passionate public speaker. A short autobiography from his website: “[Taylor Mali] measures his life in a variety of ways: He has 10 years of experience as a professional spoken word artist; he has one book, one DVD, and four cds; for 10 months, he […]
Analysis of a Speech by Elif Şafak

Elif Şafak (pronounced “Shafak”) is an award-winning Turkish novelist and the most widely read woman writer in Turkey. Here is an analysis of her TED Talk.
Analysis of a Speech by Philip K. Howard

Philip K. Howard is a lawyer from New York and author of the books The Death of Common Sense, The Collapse of the Common Good and Life Without Lawyers. One of his great concerns is the manner in which his country, the United States, has become paralyzed by the proliferation of laws and lawsuits, and by the pervasive threat of litigation. […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 8) – Cicero

“A good orator is pointed and impassioned.” Cicero Photo courtesy of Glauco92
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 5) – D. H. Lawrence

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.” D. H. Lawrence
Speaking with Passion

As Garth Reynolds says, when delivering a speech, being passionate about your topic is one of the most important things you can do.
Tagged Becky BlantonDeliverypassionpresentationspublic speakingspeaking with passion