Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 241) – John Lasseter

“Very, very, very important: Do not work in a vacuum. “You have to surround yourself with trusted people. You get so immersed in your work, you will not be able to see the forest from the trees. Frankly, you’ll be studying the pine needles and worrying about them. “You need someone to help you back […]
Nuggets of Storytelling Wisdom

In this post, I return to one of my favourite themes that run through this blog: the importance of storytelling. Past posts on the subject include this one and this one. Today we look at a TED Talk by Andrew Stanton. Andrew Stanton is a director and screenwriter at Pixar whose filmography includes the Toy […]
Tagged Andrew StantonFinding NemoPixarStoriesstorytellingTEDToy StoryWilliam Archer