Toast of the Wild East Podcast – Part 2

Toast of the Wild East is a podcast for ambitious Toastmasters who are looking for ways to raise their public speaking game. From Prague, past Toastmasters District Director Lukas Liebich interviews guests around the world. Together, they explore the ways in which people can make an impact with speaking, leading and helping others grow. This […]
Toast of the Wild East Podcast – Part 1

Toast of the Wild East is a podcast for ambitious Toastmasters who are looking for ways to raise their public speaking game. From Prague, past Toastmasters District Director Lukas Liebich interviews guests around the world. Together, they explore the ways in which people can make an impact with speaking, leading and helping others grow. It […]
My Podcast Interview on "Time to Shine"

Time to Shine is a podcast hosted by Oscar Santolalla, who speaks to the world from Helsinki, Finland. As of the writing of this post, Oscar has interviewed over 50 successful public speakers who share their experiences and insights into the world of public speaking. Guests recount personal stories, share best practices and recommend books and other resources. I […]
Tagged Oscar SantolallaPodcastRhetoric - The Public Speaking GameRhetorical DevicesTime to Shine