PowerPoint Math: Happy Birthday!

We celebrated a birthday last year. Perhaps you missed it, but it was a milestone. Yes, in 2009 we celebrated the 25th birthday of PowerPoint. Happy Birthday! To put this into perspective, the top Hollywood movies of 1984, the year PowerPoint was born, included Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Amadeus, The Terminator, Ghostbusters […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 19)

“No more than six words on a slide. Ever. There is no presentation so complex that this rule needs to be broken.” Seth Godin
Remote Control

Invest in a remote control for your PowerPoint or Keynote slideshows. It is an affordable way to add a professional touch to your presentations.
A public speaking fable

This post is an adaptation of a story about a fishmonger that Garr Reynolds recounts in his book Presentation Zen. Reynolds heard the story from a man who recalled it from his childhood while listening to Reynolds speak about the need to reduce the text on slide presentations to what is essential. The Tale of […]
What are you looking at?

Eye-tracking technology shows where we look when the slides we are shown contain pictures and text. Knowing this information provides public speakers with a powerful tool for designing effective PowerPoint and Keynote presentations.
Dave Gorman – Googlewhacked!

Dave Gorman is a very funny comedian from England. But his show has some serious value for public speakers and presenters. Dave demonstrates the proper way to use PowerPoint.

Some new presentation software caught my eye this week: Prezi. Now, I have to say up front that I have not used this technology, nor have I seen it used in an actual presentation. Still, my first impression is a favourable one. The basic difference between Prezi and PowerPoint or Keynote is that whereas the […]
PowerPoint – Where do you stand?

Where do you stand with PowerPoint? I am not asking whether you are in favour of PowerPoint or against. Given the number of excrutiatingly painful PowerPoint presentations to which we have all been subjected, I am sure that the answer would be a resounding “AGAINST!” No, what I want to know is, where physically do you stand […]
Tagged PowerPointpresentation skillspublic speakingSlide PresentationSlide Presentationswhere do you stand