Do this calculation every time you speak in public

Whenever you have a speech or presentation to deliver, there’s a calculation that you should always do beforehand. Multiply the time you have to speak by the number of people whom you anticipate will be in the audience. The result is the true amount of your speaking time. Because, however long you speak, each person in […]
10 reasons to walk the room before you speak

In November 2018, I spoke at an event in Genoa, Italy for a big corporate client. I arrived the day before I was scheduled to speak. One of the reasons why I went early, was so I could “walk the room” beforehand. I decided to shoot the video below so that you could walk with […]
Public Speaking Training – The Essential Guide

Why invest in public speaking training? The ability to speak well in public and share a message that is clear, compelling and that moves people to take action is a critical business skill. Companies like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Fast Company and others have conducted surveys in which they asked heads of companies and organizations the question: […]
How to write a speech outline

A good speech outline increases the chances that your speech or presentation will be effective. How do you write a good speech outline? In this post, I walk you through the steps.
A lesson from Dubrovnik

My wife, Julie and I recently went for a vacation in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. Wonderful people, beautiful scenery, fascinating history. If you ever get the chance to visit, I highly recommend it. One day, we took a cable car to the top of Mount Srđ which overlooks the city and offers a spectacular view […]
The Summer School of Rhetoric – Part 1

On 6 June 2019, I had the pleasure of giving a workshop on public speaking and presentations skills in Hämeenlinna, Finland, at the Summer School of Rhetoric. It is an excellent event, held every summer, at a beautiful location in the idyllic Finnish countryside. It was my second time speaking there; the first was in 2014 when I […]
3 tips to deal with the room where you speak

When we give a speech or presentation, we usually don’t have any control over the room where we speak. We might be able to move chairs and tables or adjust the lighting, but in general, we have to deal with the room as we find it. Last week, I went for a walk around the […]
10 tips for setting up on the day of your presentation

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series designed to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ——— You’ve prepared your presentation and you’ve arrived at the venue well in advance of your start time. Congratulations, but you’re not finished […]
The Short Version

Having a short version of your presentation is an important, but often overlooked, aspect of public speaking. Has this ever happened to you? You’re asked to give a presentation. You’re told what the audience would like you to speak about. You’re told where and when the presentation will be given. You’re told how much time […]
Tagged PreparationPresentationpublic speakingself-developmentshort version