A Public Speaker's Checklist

A checklist of 50 things that public speakers need to remember before their presentation.
Preparation vs Procrastination

In this blog post from 6 September 2010, Seth Godin raises a question that all public speakers face at one time or another. Am I ready? It’s a fair question. But it can lead to procrastination. Being prepared is one of the most important things that a speaker can do. It helps a presentation run smoothly […]
Beat the Clock!

The next time you have a presentation, see if you can beat the clock. Speak for less than your allotted time.
Being There

Speakers need to be present for their audiences. David Bader has a wonderful quote that public speakers should take to heart: “Be here now. Be someplace else later. Is that so complicated?” In a previous post, I wrote that as speakers, we enter into a social contract with our audiences every time we take the stage. We […]
Seth Godin: Hardly Worth the Effort

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. They are international bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites and I highly recommend it. In this post from 19 May 2010, Seth talks about the importance of making that extra effort to distinguish […]
Tips for Speaking at a Conference

Speaking at a conference is a big opportunity. My friend and fellow public speaker, Jack Vincent, is an expert in sales and marketing. Jack recently wrote a post in his blog offering eight tips for those speaking at a conference. The post was born of a frustrating experience: I returned from a major industry conference two […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 20) – Phil Crosby

“The audience only pays attention as long as you know where you are going.” Phil Crosby
Don't phone it in!

A few posts back, I reproduced an article by Seth Godin on the dangers of using too much data. It holds good advice for those presenting lots of statistics. Godin is the author of ten books about marketing, change and work that are international bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites and I recommend it to […]
Make no apologies

“It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.” – P. G. Wodehouse In a previous post, I wrote about apologies and thanks. Now I am saying “Make no apologies” – what’s going on? The Parker […]
Tagged apologyDeliverymake no apologiesParker BrothersPreparationpreparing a speechpresentationsSorry!