Free Presentation Skills Assessment

Jim Harvey, my co-founder of Presentation Guru, and I have been developing a comprehensive questionnaire to help people assess their level of skill when it comes to presentation skills and public speaking. We could not find any questionnaire or tool that enabled people to do so in a simple, but meaningful way. Jim and I have […]
6 tips for better visual aids

Jim Harvey and I are two of the three founders of Presentation Guru. Given the current state of affairs in the world, we have decided to experiment with webinars. We have a series of four webinars for anyone interested in delivering better speeches and presentations. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of storytelling. We discussed what stories are, […]
When you speak, break the pattern

If you want your ideas to be stickier, you’ve got to break someone’s guessing machine and then fix it. You have to break their pattern of thinking in a way that creates surprise and interest. However, you must do so in a way that is relevant and thoughtful.
Five Public Speaking Resolutions for 2019

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ––––– As 2018 draws to a close, many people reflect on the year gone by and make plans for the year to come. If you […]
5 Books for Public Speakers

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is about books for public speakers and is part of a series designed to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ——— There are hundreds of books about public speaking and presentation skills. While the best way […]
Sawubona: See your audience

I recently wrote a post for Presentation Guru on the importance of “seeing” your audience. It was based on the Zulu word sawubona. Zulu, or isiZulu, is one of South Africa’s official languages and is spoken by approximately 10 million people. Sawubona means, “I see you.” Not in the sense of, “I see you here in front of me, and […]
10 tips for setting up on the day of your presentation

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series designed to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ——— You’ve prepared your presentation and you’ve arrived at the venue well in advance of your start time. Congratulations, but you’re not finished […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 276) – Emma Bannister

“Invest the time and energy into planning a powerful presentation and your audience will invest their time and energy in you.” Emma Bannister
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 273) – Jim Harvey

“If you don’t understand what the audience wants, you can’t be relevant. If you can’t be relevant, you won’t be interesting. If you aren’t interesting, you won’t be heard. If you’re not heard, you’ll be forgotten. If you’re forgotten, you’re done.” Jim Harvey
Tagged audienceJim HarveyPresentation Gurupublic speakingpublic speaking quotesquotes