Rhetorical Devices: Antanagoge

This post is part of a series on rhetorical devices. For other posts in the series, please click this link. For a comprehensive, step-by-step overview of how to write a speech outline, please see this post. Device: Antanagoge (pronounced an-tana-goji) Origin: From the Greek ἀνταναγωγή meaning “anti” (against) and “anagoge” (leading up). In plain English: Turning a negative into a positive. […]
Every Breath You Take

Every breath you take,Every move you make,Every bond you break,Every step you take,I’ll be watching you. The Police Breathing. We do it constantly and, usually, unconsciously. We breathe when we are awake and when we sleep, when we work and exercise and rest. The day we stop breathing is the day we stop living. Yet […]
How to speak with authentic charisma

How can we speak with charisma—authentic charisma—when we are on stage? That is the subject that Jim Harvey and I discussed in the fourth and final edition of our webinar series. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of storytelling. The second webinar covered rhetorical devices. The third webinar covered visual aids that support your presentations. In the […]
6 tips for better visual aids

Jim Harvey and I are two of the three founders of Presentation Guru. Given the current state of affairs in the world, we have decided to experiment with webinars. We have a series of four webinars for anyone interested in delivering better speeches and presentations. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of storytelling. We discussed what stories are, […]
Webinar on Rhetorical Devices

Jim Harvey and I are two of the three founders of Presentation Guru. Given the current state of affairs in the world, we have decided to experiment with webinars. We have a series of four webinars for anyone interested in delivering better speeches and presentations. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of storytelling. […]
Webinar on Storytelling

Jim Harvey and I are two of the three founders of Presentation Guru. Given the current state of affairs in the world, we have decided to experiment with webinars. We are creating a series of four webinars for anyone interested in delivering better speeches and presentations. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of […]
A lesson from a farmer's field

Public speakers can learn a lesson from a farmer’s field. Behind our home is a large farmer’s field. Over the years, I have seen that field grow wheat, corn, barley, sunflowers – which look amazing when they are in bloom – and other crops. This season, it appears as though the field will lie fallow. […]
A lesson from the Toronto Raptors

Congratulations to the Toronto Raptors! “We the North!” They are the 2019 NBA Champions. I am delighted for Toronto — where I lived for over 15 years — and for all of Canada. In a thrilling Final, the Raptors defeated the defending Champion Golden State Warriors 4 games to 2. For the Warriors, it was […]
A giant leap forward in your public speaking

There is a lot to learn about public speaking. The fact that I have been writing this blog for 10 years is testament to that. And no matter how much you learn, no matter how good you become, you will never reach perfection because there is always room for improvement. But there is one thing […]
Tagged audiencegesturesLeadershippresentation skills trainingpublic speaking