Find the extraordinary in the ordinary

My friend, Lance Miller is an award-winning public speaker and trainer. He graduated from Michigan State University with a Degree in Food Systems, Economics and Management. Lance has an extensive background in business and is a philanthropist who has worked in numerous humanitarian causes around the world. In 2005, Lance won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public […]
Manner of Speaking recognized by Credit Donkey

Manner of Speaking has been chosen as one of the winning blogs by Credit Donkey for the Best Public Speaking Blogs in 2017. Credit Donkey is a credit card comparison site that publishes credit card research, deals, and tips to help consumers make informed credit decisions. It aims to make personal finance fun and easy to understand. […]
New Business Theme Added to Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™

The new Business theme has been added to the app version of Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™. Players can now choose to play one of three different themes (Classic, Family and Business) in one of six different languages (English, Spanish, French, Russian, German and Catalan). If you are not familiar with Rhetoric – The […]
Rethinking Title Slides

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series designed to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ——— Have you ever sat in the audience, waiting for a presentation to begin? To prepare for the next speaker, the organizers display […]
A phrase to avoid on stage
Actually, it’s several phrases, but they all amount to the same thing.Over the years, I have led presentation skills workshops in MBA and Executive MBA programmes across Europe. In one of my classes a couple of years ago, a bright young fellow was giving his formal presentation about his business idea. The presentation (and the […]
Nine photo composition tips for your slides

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the photographs of Steve McCurry speak volumes. With a career that has spanned more than 30 years, McCurry is widely considered a legend in contemporary photography. His photo of the Afhan Girl is iconic and the galleries on his website are well worth a visit. The Cooperative […]
A presentation lesson from two airport departure boards

I fly a lot for work and have become an expert at analyzing airport departure boards. I have noticed a major between the departure boards in European airports and the departure boards at airports in Canada. In Europe, departures are arranged chronologically. The flights about to part are at the top of the screen whereas later flights are […]
Is PowerPoint good or a bad?

Is PowerPoint good or bad? The question invokes strong feelings on both sides. But the correct answer is: It depends. I am proud to be part of a team that gets to spend one week a year with the dynamic, clever students in the IESE Executive MBA Programme. We help them hone their public speaking […]
The Ten Commandments of Good Design

Good design not necessarily easy, but it is possible. Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer who has been recognized as one of the most influential industrial designers of the 20th century. He worked for 40 years at the German consumer products company, Braun. Today, he works at Vitsœ, a British furniture company that manufactures […]
Tagged DesignDieter RamsIndustrial designPowerPointpresentation skills trainingVitsœ