2012 U.S. "Prezi"dential Election Recap

I came across this presentation on Prezi that provides a recap of the 2012 Presidential election in the United States. If you are not familiar with Prezi, have a look. Click the image below and you will find the presentation on the Prezi home page. You can navigate the presentation back and forth via the two […]
A Day in the Internet

In the past, I have written articles stressing the importance of making data meaningful for our audiences. Drawing inspiration from such sources as Carl Sagan and the Long Island Initiative, I have tried to show examples of why it is important to put statistics into context. As Chip and Dan Heath emphasize in Made to […]
Slide Transitions: Everybody's Changing

I remember the first time I saw the features on PowerPoint that allowed you to animate text and slide transitions. I played around with it for awhile and soon had things zooming in and bouncing around and what not. My initial thought was, “This is neat.” After playing around a little more, I had another […]
PowerPoint: It's Child's Play

Who knew that PowerPoint could make you feel all warm and fuzzy? But kudos to Microsoft for this commercial. Very clever. I have to give the young man credit. Heck, even I’d buy him a dog after that!But as humorous as this commercial is, there are some important lessons that we can learn from it: […]
A Radical Presentation Idea

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. They are bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites and I highly recommend it. In this blog post from 1 July 2010, Seth proposes a radical idea for slide presentation. Go big! […]
Seth Godin: The Unlimited Power of Enthusiasm

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. I highly recommend his blog. In this post from 1 November 2006, Seth talks about the power of bringing enthusiasm to whatever you do, be it work or play. Earlier today I was teaching […]
PowerPoint Math: PP does not equal TP

Here is a simple PowerPoint math equation: PowerPoint ≠ Teleprompter A PowerPoint presentation is not a teleprompter. You read a teleprompter; that’s what it’s for. If you’re reading your PowerPoint presentation, you’re doing it wrong! Reduce your text and learn your material. Photo courtesy of Steve Jurvetson Now, in fairness to the fellow in the […]
PowerPoint Math: The 10-20-30 Rule

An analysis of Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 Rule of PowerPoint.
PowerPoint: The Tipping Point

The tipping point. In this truly horrific PowerPoint slide, we reached the tipping point in the first line. Please don’t do this with your presentations.
Tagged bad PowerPoint slidesPowerPointpresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSlide Presentation