2D or Not 2D? That is the question.

When presenting charts or graphs, always use two-dimensional ones and not three-dimensional ones. This post explains why.
Word Clouds

I have to thank my brother Greg for giving me the idea for this post. Greg sent me an email about an application called Wordle. It was created by Jonathan Feinberg, a Senior Software Engineer at IBM Research. You use it to create a word cloud like the one below. The Wordle website describes the application as “a toy for […]

There is an old joke about a tourist who is visiting New York City. He wants to see a concert at the famous Carnegie Hall. The tourist stops a man on the street and asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” The man replies, “Practice!” It is the same with public speaking and, indeed, […]
Tagged Carnegie HallNikepracticepresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSelf ImprovementToastmastersToastmasters International