Squeezing the last minute out of a session

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. They are bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites. squeezing In this blog post from 21 February 2017, Seth reminds us that less is more and that conclusions are important. Plan appropriately so that […]
8 secrets for a presentation that makes an impact

Creating impactful presentations does not have to be difficult. In fact, with a little thought and effort, it is easier than you might think. My friend and presentation design expert, Timo Sorri, has created a slide deck that is featured on SlideShare. Timo asked me and seven other speaking professionals from around the world for one […]
Filler Words

My fellow professional speaker, Gavin McMahon, is a founding partner at fassforward consulting group. He also writes a great blog on public speaking and presentations: Make a Powerful Point. Gavin recently turned his attention on filler words. He assembled a virtual panel of experts and asked the following question: “How do you get rid of the […]
An Afternoon with Hans Rosling – Part 1

Today, I had the good fortune to meet and speak with Dr. Hans Rosling, the international rock star of statistics. I then had the pleasure of watching him give a fascinating 90-minute presentation on some key global health trends. A physician and Professor of Public Health at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Rosling is also […]
Presentations: When to Take Questions

Questions from the audience are an integral part of most presentations and speakers should look forward to them. Questions mean that the audience is interested and wants to know more. And even if someone wants to challenge you on a point, at least it means that they were paying attention! Many inexperienced speakers take questions at […]
Good Penmanship for Public Speakers

The pen is mightier than the sword; but when it comes to public speaking, an empty hand is mightier than the pen. Sometimes, a speaker will take the stage holding a pen and deliver the entire speech or presentation without ever writing a single word. Yet all the while, the pen is omnipresent, moving up […]
Rick Perry's "Oops" Moment and Five Lessons We Can Learn

Drawing a blank. It’s one of people’s biggest fears when it comes to speaking in public. It is painful for the audience and excruciating for the speaker. And during the Republican Presidential Debate on 9 November 2011, Rick Perry experienced it firsthand. In case you missed the debate, this was the moment: I’ve not been […]
A Public Speaker's Checklist – Free PDF File

I am happy to provide you with a comprehensive public speaker’s checklist for logistical matters. Last year I wrote a post about logistical items that speakers should remember for a speaking engagement. Reader response was so good that I created an addendum. To put these ideas into a more practical format for you, I have […]
Corporate Templates Can Undermine a Slide Presentation

Many companies unwittingly hinder the effectiveness of their employees’ presentations because of policies that mandate the use of corporate slide templates on every PowerPoint or Keynote slide. Without question, a well-designed template can make a slide presentation look professional and polished. And, it is understandable that companies want to display their brand name and logo […]
Tagged BusinessCorporate LogosLogosPowerPointPresentationpresentation tipsSlide Presentations