The power of a prop

While flashy multimedia presentations and high-tech gadgets can be impressive, sometimes all it takes to drive a point home is a simple object. A prop is one of the most powerful tools that presenters have at their disposal. A prop is any object that you use to help illustrate or demonstrate a point during a […]
A lesson from Apple's launch of the iPhone X

The iPhone X (pronounced “iPhone 10”) was touted as the next leap forward in smartphones. It is the first smartphone from Apple to feature a full-screen display, it has “Super Retina” resolution, wireless charging and more. Apple revealed it to the world on 12 September 2017 at a special event at the Steve Jobs Theatre. One of these new […]
When to reveal a prop in a presentation

A few months ago, I began meditating on a daily basis. I had long heard about the different benefits that can come from practising mindfulness for just 20 minutes a day and decided to try it out. Because this was going to be new for me, I wanted a guided meditation. After checking out a few apps, […]
Analysis of a Speech by Janine Shepherd

Janine Shepherd is one of those people whose picture should appear beneath the definition of “remarkable” in the dictionary. I chose one of Janine’s quotes as the 100th quote for public speakers, and you can read a short summary of her incredible life there. Recently, Janine Shepherd told her story at a TEDx event in […]
Ten Tips for Using Props in a Presentation

In my previous post, I looked at some of the ways in which a prop can add some real value to a presentation. In this post, I provide 10 tips when it comes to using props. For most of the tips, I have added a video clip of a speech or presentation that shows the idea […]
How Do Props Help a Presentation?

The word “prop” comes from the term “theatrical property”, which refers to objects used by actors in a play to add realism to the story and to help advance the narrative. Anything can be used as a prop: a chair, a walking cane, a book, a painting. The list goes on and on. Props can […]
Being There, Before You're There

In a little more than a month’s time, I will fly to Lisbon, Portugal for the Toastmasters District 59 Spring Conference. It promises to be a fabulous time and I am looking forward to seeing many friends from across Europe.The organization for the conference has been superb. João De Mendonça and the rest of the Lisbon […]
Tagged audienceConferencesEyjafjallajökullJoão De MendonçaLisbonMicrophonePortugalPresentationpropspublic speakingRui HenriquesSlide Presentationsspeech contestsstageToastmastersVisualization