Should you speak in public?

Many people wonder whether they have what it takes to speak in public. Are they capable of giving a speech or presentation? I understand. Many people would like to try public speaking; perhaps they’ve even made a resolution to do it this year. But they’re not sure that they have something to say; they’re not […]
How to handle public speaking nerves

On 3 June 2017, professional rock climber Alex Honnold accomplished something that few people thought could be done. He climbed the 3,000-foot granite wall of Yosemite Park’s famous El Capitan, the vertical wall in the photo above. Alone. Without ropes or any other safety apparatus. This achievement has been celebrated as one of the most […]
Tagged Alex HonnoldEl CapitanJohn ZimmerNervespresentationspublic speakingpublic speaking nervesself-development