Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 124) – Gonzalo Álvarez

“Si tu presentación no produce un cambio en la audencia, es una pérdida de tiempo para todos.” “If your presentation does not bring about a change in the audience, it’s a waste of time for everyone.” Gonzalo Álvarez
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 123) – George Bernard Shaw

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 121) – Seth Godin

“The purpose of an elevator pitch isn’t to close the sale. The goal isn’t even to give a short, accurate, Wikipedia-standard description of you or your project. And the idea of using vacuous, vague words to craft a bland mission statement is dumb. “No, the purpose of an elevator pitch is to describe a situation or solution […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 119) – Pablo Neruda

“All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song—but in this dance or in this song there are […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 116) – William Safire

“Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care.” William Safire
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 115) – Michelangelo

“If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” Michelangelo
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 110) – Stephen Covey

“Prepare your heart and mind before you prepare your speech.” Stephen Covey
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 108) – George Carlin

“You can’t be afraid of words that speak the truth. I don’t like words that hide the truth. I don’t like words that conceal reality. I don’t like euphemisms or euphemistic language.” George Carlin
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 107) – John Ford

“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” John Ford
Tagged John Fordpublic speakingPublic Speaking Quotationsquotations